Double Win Casino Slots: Doubling Down on Fun

In the ever-evolving world of online entertainment, casino games have carved a special place for themselves. And among the plethora of options available, Double Win Casino Slots stands out as a true gem. With its thrilling gameplay, captivating graphics, and a chance to win big, this casino app has become a favorite among gaming enthusiasts. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Double Win Casino Slots, exploring what makes it so unique and why it’s doubling down on fun.

What is Double Win Casino Slots?

Double Win Casino Slots is a popular mobile casino game available on both Android and iOS platforms. It offers players the excitement of a real casino experience without the need to visit a physical casino. Developed by the renowned publisher, Royal Jackpot Casino, this app boasts a vast selection of slot games that cater to a wide range of preferences.

Diverse Slot Games

One of the standout features of Double Win Casino Slots is its diverse range of slot games. Whether you’re into classic fruit slots, adventurous themes, or something more whimsical, you’ll find a slot game that suits your taste. Here’s a glimpse into some of the exciting categories:

1. Classic Slots

For those who appreciate the nostalgia of old-school slot machines, Double Win Casino Slots has a collection of classic slots that will transport you back in time. With symbols like cherries, bars, and lucky sevens, these games offer a simple yet engaging experience.

2. Adventure Themes

If you crave excitement and adventure, the app offers a variety of slot games with thrilling storylines. From exploring ancient pyramids to going on deep-sea expeditions, these slots immerse you in captivating narratives as you spin the reels.

3. Mythical Creatures

Unleash your inner fantasy enthusiast with slot games featuring mythical creatures such as dragons, unicorns, and vampires. These games offer a mystical and enchanting gaming experience that’s sure to keep you entertained.

4. Vegas-Style Glamour

Experience the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas with slots that feature neon lights, showgirls, and the unmistakable atmosphere of Sin City. It’s like having a mini-Vegas in your pocket!

5. Fruit Machines

For a taste of the traditional, Double Win Casino Slots offers a selection of fruit machines that pay homage to the classic fruit symbols. These games are perfect for those who enjoy the simplicity of traditional slots.

User-Friendly Interface

Navigating through the Double Win Casino Slots app is a breeze, thanks to its user-friendly interface. The layout is intuitive, making it easy for both newcomers and seasoned players to find their favorite games. Additionally, the app provides clear instructions on how to play each slot, ensuring that everyone can quickly get in on the action.

Free Coins and Bonuses

Who doesn’t love freebies? Double Win Casino Slots keeps the excitement alive by offering players daily bonuses and free coins. These bonuses can be used to play your favorite slot games without spending your hard-earned cash. Plus, there are frequent in-game promotions that provide additional opportunities to score big wins.

Social Features

What’s more enjoyable than sharing your casino victories with friends? Double Win Casino Slots lets you connect with friends and other players through its social features. You can send and receive gifts, compete on leaderboards, and even join clubs to engage in friendly competition.

Progressive Jackpots

For the thrill-seekers who dream of hitting it big, Double Win Casino Slots offers a chance to win massive progressive jackpots. These jackpots grow with each spin, and one lucky player could potentially walk away with a life-changing sum of money. It’s like having a mini lottery in your pocket!

High-Quality Graphics and Sound

The visual and auditory aspects of Double Win Casino Slots are top-notch. The games feature high-quality graphics that are a treat for the eyes. Each slot has its unique design, ensuring that players get a fresh visual experience with every game they play. Furthermore, the sound effects and music add to the immersive experience, making you feel like you’re in a real casino.

Regular Updates

To keep the gaming experience fresh and exciting, Double Win Casino Slots regularly releases updates. These updates may include new slot gacor games, additional features, and bug fixes. This commitment to improvement ensures that players always have something new to look forward to.


Double Win Casino Slots offers an unparalleled casino gaming experience right at your fingertips. With its diverse range of slot games, user-friendly interface, free coins, and exciting bonuses, it’s no wonder that this app has become a favorite among players worldwide. Whether you’re a seasoned casino enthusiast or new to the world of online slots, Double Win Casino Slots promises endless fun and the chance to strike it lucky with massive jackpots.


Simple Way To Buy Dash With Credit Card

Making money through different platforms could always be the best thing at various times. However, the money you have yourself wanted to share peer-to-peer? Yes, it is always possible. When it comes to handling the transactions of your money, then it is important for you to check out the safety and security first and move ahead. If you would like to gather more information, you can find the sources which are available to deliver and move ahead whenever required for sure.

When it comes to handling digital currency, it is important for you to do the proper analysis. So, all you need to go ahead with Dash any time. Well, with the support of Dash, you can able to handle peer-to-peer. Basically, it is said to be the digital currency to access.

At the same time, it will be delivering you fast as well as secure payments in a user-friendly manner without any hassles. If you would like to gather more information, all you need to approach the respective sources or experts who can deliver enough details.

Experience the profit

Usually, when you have a look at the dash digital currency, many of them don’t have awareness about it. However, if you would like to check out the profit, then there are certain factors that should be followed properly and move ahead. In order to experience the profit, you can find different ways.

However, when you buy through a credit card, then you will be going to experience a better outcome on the whole for sure.  So, going ahead to buy Dash with credit card, you can see the fluctuation in money. It will turn up for you as profit.

In order to experience this thing, all you need to stay in touch with the respective experts. Yes, it will be helpful for you to gather more information regarding the Dash in-depth.

At the same time, you can always move ahead with the experts who can deliver more information regarding the finance department.

So, people who would like to check out the Dash for a long time and wanted to buy through credit cards should approach the respective sources any time. To make things possible, all you need to handle with the support of simple steps at any time with no hassles.

Wrapping up

If everything is managed to handle when it comes to buying Dash with a credit card, then you will be going to get the best money transaction process. If you want to check out enough details, all you need to approach the respective platforms which are available to check out. At the same time, make sure to stay in touch with the steps which are important to follow. According to these things, you can able to get the best transaction experience in a digital currency format any time. To know more details, make sure to stay in touch with the important sources and gather enough information.


Market Accessibility: Comparing Trading Stocks and Forex

Regarding trading, stocks and forex hold prominent positions and offer unique opportunities for profit and financial growth. Despite their similarities, the two also have many differences. This blog aims to compare these two forms of trading, focusing on their market accessibility for investors.

Understanding forex trading

Forex trading — short for foreign exchange trading — involves the buying and selling of different currencies. Interest rates, political stability, and the economic performance of countries influence the forex market.

For traders, the forex market’s advantages include its 24-hour accessibility, lower initial capital requirements, and high liquidity (due to the massive volume of daily trades). However, forex trading also comes with challenges, including heightened volatility and the need for a deep understanding of global economics.

Understanding stock trading

Stock trading involves buying and selling the shares of a publicly-traded company. As with forex, the value of these stocks is influenced by numerous factors. However, the specific factors affecting their weight are very different from what influences the value of the forex market. The company’s financial health, market sentiment, and overall economic indicators influence the stocks’ value. Many traders find the stock market provides the opportunity to invest in a company’s success and reap the rewards through dividends or capital gains.

Compared to forex, stock trading offers a relatively stable trading environment — specific market hours and regulation by financial authorities. However, it often requires a higher initial capital than forex.

Key factors to consider

Before choosing between stock trading and forex trading, consider your risk tolerance, trading goals, available time, and financial knowledge. Forex is best for those seeking higher liquidity, flexible trading hours, and lower initial investment. In contrast, stocks might appeal to those interested in company-specific investment and prefer trading within regulated market hours.

Here are some more specific factors to consider when choosing between the two:

Market size and liquidity

The forex market’s daily volume is more than $5 trillion, making it the world’s largest and most liquid market. This high liquidity translates to fast transaction speeds and lower transaction costs for traders. The stock market is less liquid, but liquidity can vary significantly between different stocks.

Market volatility

Forex markets tend to be more volatile than stock markets due to the constant shifting of global economic and political conditions. This volatility offers profit potential, but traders need to watch for changes and act fast to make the most profit. The stock market is generally less volatile, but individual stocks can fluctuate wildly based on corporate news and earnings reports — there are no guarantees.

Market complexity

The complexity of the markets is another critical comparison point. The stock market is vast, with thousands of stocks to choose from, and requires an understanding of the fundamentals of each company. On the other hand, forex trading mainly involves the major currency pairs, making the market more straightforward in terms of choice. However, forex traders need to be well-versed in global macroeconomics, as currency rates are influenced by a country’s economic health, geopolitical events, and interest rates.


Both markets are subject to regulation, but the level of regulation can vary. Stock exchanges are heavily regulated with stringent information disclosure requirements to maintain fairness and transparency.

Forex market regulation, however, can vary significantly from one country to another. Some countries have highly regulated forex markets, while forex regulation is less stringent in others.

Market opening hours

The stock market typically operates during the standard business hours of a country’s exchange, such as 9:30 am – 4:00 pm EST (for the New York Stock Exchange). This means that trading opportunities are limited for those who can’t be active during these hours.

In contrast, the forex market is much more accessible. It’s open 24 hours a day, five days a week. The forex market works in multiple time zones: starting from Sydney, then Tokyo, London, and finally, New York. This extended operation time enables traders worldwide to trade at their convenience, providing a significant advantage for those who prefer or need to trade outside traditional business hours.

Initial capital requirements

Stock trading often requires a substantial initial investment, especially if you buy shares of well-established companies. On the other hand, forex trading generally has lower initial capital requirements. For both types, however, it comes down to your specific platform.

Which is easier to trade?

There is no one-size-fits-all response to this; the ease of trading depends on individual preferences, goals, and trading knowledge. Both stock and forex trading have unique advantages and challenges, so it’s crucial to understand these dynamics and make an informed decision based on your trading goals.

Both stocks and forex trading offer exciting prospects for traders worldwide. While the decision to trade in either market depends on various factors, the forex market is generally considered slightly more accessible thanks to its 24-hour, global availability.


The Most Popular Online Casino Games

Online casinos have a huge selection of games to choose from, and some specific titles are taking the industry by storm.

Among them are Roulette, Blackjack, Craps, and judi slot online. These games are simple to play and don’t require complex rules to understand.

This makes them perfect for first-time casino players. They also offer a higher Return to Player percentage and a more respectable return on investment than other games.

Slot Machines

The most popular online slot gacor casino games are slot machines. They are simple to play and offer great payouts. They can also be played for free with no risk.

Slots have a variety of different themes and gameplay options, including classics, licensed games, and newer themes. They are usually based on a specific aesthetic or character, with symbols and bonus features matching the theme.

They are typically found in brick-and-mortar casinos and online, where they have been redesigned for the digital age. These slots have more bonus games, better odds, crisp graphics, and a huge variety.

Compared to physical slot machines, online slots are easier to maintain and offer better bonuses and promotions. They also allow players to interact with others. This is a big plus for some people who don’t enjoy being alone in a traditional casino. They can also share tips and strategies with other players.


The most popular online casino games are slot machines, roulette, blackjack, poker, and other classic casino games. These games are played by people from all over the world.

While slot online are the big money makers for casinos, it is blackjack that attracts the most gamblers. It is easy to play, and it offers a variety of betting options.

It is also a fun game that players can enjoy on their own, without needing to bet a lot of money. In fact, many online casinos offer blackjack tables with low minimum betting limits that are perfect for casual players.

While there are many different types of blackjack games, it has a few constant rules that never change – get as close to 21 as possible and beat the dealer. This allows players to win big and have a great time.


Craps is one of the most popular casino games due to its simple mechanics and a great opportunity for big money wins. However, before you can play the game, it is important to understand its rules and betting system.

A player who wants to learn how to play craps should take advantage of low-stakes or no-stakes play options offered by many online casinos. This will help you understand the game’s complex betting system without risking your bankroll.

The game is played by rolling two dice and adding up the value of each. This number is called the ‘Point’ and is used to determine whether bets win or lose.

The ‘Shooter’ then rolls the dice again and keeps on rolling until they get either a 7 or the point number. Whenever this happens, the round is over and a new one begins.


Roulette is one of the most popular casino games around. It is easy to learn and play, and its low house edge means that players can win more often than they lose.

It can also be played on a variety of different devices, including laptops and smartphones. All you need is a stable internet connection and you can take your fun with you anywhere you go.

The most popular version of roulette is European, which offers 36 regular numbers and a single green zero. The odds of hitting a number are 35:1 on this wheel, but the house edge is higher due to the addition of the zero segment.

Despite the fact that roulette is an easy game to learn and play, it is still a high-risk game. However, there are many betting systems and strategies that you can use to improve your chances of winning. These will help you cut down on your losses and make more money from your winning streaks.


Does a Co-Borrower Make Your Home Loan Application Stronger?

Buying a home is the highlight of life for most people. After years of waiting, the feeling of finally getting your own home is divine.

And when it comes to funding to buy a home, even if you have enough savings to self-finance, getting a house loan is a good option.

But while some people easily get their home loans approved, others struggle to do so. There are many factors to consider, from your income level, credit score, and unavailability of important documents.

A home loan eligibility calculator can help you even before applying and will help prepare the perfect application.

Generally, having a co-borrower makes your home loan application stronger. In case you are missing the eligibility criteria, you can bolster it by opting for one or more co-borrowers.

Read on to learn more.

What is A Co-Borrower?

A co-borrower or a co-applicant is a person who applies for a loan with another borrower and shares the liability. Both borrowers are responsible for the repayment of the loan.

The co-borrower does not necessarily have to be the co-owner of the property.

Here are some eligible relations who can be co-borrowers in a home loan application:

  1. Married couples are eligible for this type of loan. If both partners in the marriage are earning, they can increase their loan reliability.
  2. A father can be the co-applicant with their sons. If there is only one son to the father, either can be the principal owner. However, the father cannot be the principal owner if there is more than one son.
  3. Parents can be co-borrower with their daughters, but the property should be in the daughter’s name. Also, this case is only eligible for unmarried daughters.
  4. Two brothers can be co-borrowers of a loan if they live together when applying for a loan and intend to live together. However, both of them need to be co-owners in such cases.
  5. Brother and sister, unmarried daughter and parents, two sisters, cousins, and friends are not eligible to be co-borrowers in a loan.

Should You Add a Co-Borrower to Your Loan?

As we mentioned earlier, not everyone clears the eligibility criteria for a home loan. Co-borrowers assist you with this factor and allow you to avail of the loan. Adding a co-borrower increases your chances of getting the loan approved.

If both the partners opting for a house loan are working, the limit of the loan may get increased.

However, ensure that you check the applicant’s credit score and debt-to-income ratio. Also, ensure that your co-owner is financially disciplined and is ready for long-term commitments. If not, your credit score can become poor because of your borrower’s irresponsible behaviour.

Advantages of Having a Co-Applicant

If the co-applicants are also the co-owners of the house, they are eligible for tax benefits. Under section 80C of the Income Tax Act, you can get up to Rs. 1.5 lakhs for principal repayment and up to Rs. 2 lakhs for interest paid.

If the co-borrower is a woman, you can get even more benefits. Home lenders offer 5 bps lower interest rates to women borrowers. This benefit is only eligible if the woman is the sole owner or co-owner of the property.

Also, the benefits depend on the woman’s credit history and repayment history. Opt for an eligibility calculator for a home loan to determine your current situation.

Final Words

A home loan is a secured loan. Still, financial institutions would like to see that it lends to credible applicants capable of paying back their loans with interest.

To this end, they encourage applicants to bring co-applicants on board. It helps diversify the risks for both the lender and borrower.

Overall, it’s safe to say that it’s much safer for either party’s home loan applications with a co-borrower to have a higher chance of getting approved.


Can You Refinance A Home Equity Loan?

With real estate prices soaring high, Home Loans are common in the current scenario. Reasons can be owed to easy financing, low-interest rates and relaxed eligibility. Tax concessions are also among the reasons why people prefer taking Home Loans. Home Equity Loans are availed on the property, and the value depends on its worth.

By keeping the house as collateral, loan applicants can finance their dream home. Its repayment is like a regular loan where the applicant must pay a fixed amount monthly.

The condition for a home equity loan is to own a fully built property in the applicant’s name. The applicant should also be eligible to finance the home equity loan.

The following factors decide the criteria for the decision of a home equity loan:

  1. The age group of the applicant
  2. Income of the applicant
  3. Minimum qualification
  4. Source of income or employment nature
  5. Financial obligation status and economic conditions of the applicant. The duration of the existence of the company (minimum three years).

These criteria play a significant role in the approval of the loan amount. The estimated Home Loan amount for which the applicant is eligible can be calculated online.

However, it requires information on the nature of employment, which includes two categories: self-employed or earning a salary. The applicant also needs to enter net monthly income, the amount of existing EMI, the tenure of the loan, and the interest rate.

Refinancing the home equity loan

Many financial institutions give their customers the provision to refinance their home equity loans. People generally refinance if they find a bank providing lower interest rates or better services.

The refinancing of Home Equity Loans comes with the benefit of paying lesser EMIs. Moreover, with fewer EMIs, customers can manage the loan period accordingly.

This is possible on the condition that the customer can carry on the payment of the same EMI. Therefore, lower interest rates and the same EMI can reduce the loan’s tenure.

The facility of top-up loans on the current loan also aids the customers. Through this, they can cash their amount and utilise it for construction or other renovation needs.

How to decide on the refinancing of a home equity loan?

Are you financially eligible for Home Equity Loans?

Here the customer can consider three factors for the judgment. The factors are credit score, minimum equity requirement and debt-to-income ratio. The credit score should be greater than 620. However, a credit score of more than 720 will earn you lower, hence the best interest rates.

The minimum equity requirement should be around 20% or more than that. It refers to the owned account balance. Another factor that makes you eligible for refinancing is the ratio of the amount you owe to the amount you earn. A 43% ratio or lower is preferred.

Do you have the required documents?

The application process for refinancing Home Equity Loans requires more than personal documents and house proof. Of course, personal documents like ID proof are pre-requisite. But in addition, insurance proof, tax returns, W-2s, pay stubs and mortgage billing will be equally important.

How do you refinance equity Home Loans?

Thorough research is required to gain maximum profit from low-interest rates and financial balancing. Utilize the provision of a Home Loan eligibility calculator and Home Loan calculator. Compare the interest rates, loan tenure and EMIs with a sound mind. Check the refinance penalty, if any. Decide accordingly!


A home equity loan is a practical option in need of a house. However, customers can consider better choices with the change in interest rates over time. In such cases, refinancing the Home Equity Loans is possible. Concerning the financial needs in mind, refinancing can save loads of amount. Performing thorough research and understanding the eligibility criteria will help the customers make wiser decisions.


Identifying and Applying For The Best Business Loans

Starting and expanding your business takes considerable time, effort, and capital. Even after you finally get your business off the ground, it can be challenging to keep it running ideally or until you make enough money to hire a team to help you further your business instead of merely firefighting financial inadequacies.

Fortunately, we live in a time when financial organizations are prepared to give Business Loans that can potentially assist your business’s growth.

Business Loans can always come in handy. They enable small and medium businesses to access funds they might otherwise struggle to obtain from other sources.

Business Loans are the lifeblood of every business that needs to grow steadily. Without a steady influx of cash, a corporation will not survive.

With the right Business Loan, entrepreneurs can rest assured that their business will keep running smoothly.

How can borrowers find the best Business Loans?

To identify the best Business Loans, consider the following steps:

1. Identify the purpose of the loan

Every borrower must first understand why they need a Business Loan. What is its purpose? Is it for buying equipment, or is it needed for working capital requirements? Can their company afford to take on debt?

The borrower’s answers to these questions will determine the loan amount, interest rate, and repayment schedules.

2. Choose a reliable lender

While choosing a lender, look for its reliability and its services. Carefully research each potential lender thoroughly before finalising one.

To identify a suitable lender, you need to consider several factors, such as the lender’s history, reputation, interest rates offered, and the terms and conditions of their loan.

Applicants can check their reviews online and compare them before opting for the right lender.

With a reliable lender, borrowers can obtain a Business Loan to empower their business and take it to new heights. In India, leading financial institutions like Poonawalla Fincorp offer Business Loans up to ₹30 lakh at attractive interest rates with quick approvals.

3. Compare interest rates and other fees

When identifying the best Business Loan, the borrower must compare the Business Loan interest rates different lenders offer to get the best deal for their business.

Moreover, exploring several Business Loan providers and comparing their offerings is critical. Other hidden fees could include processing costs, documentation fees, and legal fees.

Usually, borrowers get best business loan interest rates ranging from 18% to 28%, making their payments affordable and keeping them within the budget.

4. Check the eligibility requirements

Before applying for a Business Loan, looking into the lender’s qualifying requirements is a good idea. Different lenders may have different requirements.

So, ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements of the preferred lender. You can check their website and get information regarding eligibility.

5. Check for the repayment options

A Business Loan with a flexible payment plan is advantageous for borrowers.  A loan with flexible payback terms focuses on business development rather than payment deadlines.

With leading financial institutions, borrowers need not worry about the repayment schedule as they offer a flexible repayment period of up to 36 months.

6. Calculate the EMIs beforehand

Another crucial consideration when taking out a Business Loan is calculating the EMIs and budgeting the repayments accordingly.

Sometimes, business owners might end up with a Business Loan their company may not be able to repay, eventually failing to make EMI payments on time. This invariably happens when EMIs are not appropriately calculated.

Borrowers can easily estimate their EMIs and make informed decisions with the help of a Business Loan EMI Calculator, available on the websites of top financial institutions like Poonawalla Fincorp.

What are the steps taken to get a Business Loan?

The steps are outlined below:

  1. First, the applicant must fill out the application form.
  2. Submit income documentation and KYC.
  3. Following that, the application gets processed for loan verification.
  4. Once approved, the funds get credited to your account.


A Business Loan is a way to bridge the gap between cash flow and capital expenditures – without having to sell something off the business.

However, before a person chooses a Business Loan, they need to determine how much capital they will need for their business. Knowing how much money is required to run the firm will allow them to make informed decisions, thereby helping them achieve their business goals.


Best Credit Cards In India

With over 400+ credit cards available in the market, it can get difficult to select the one that will suit your needs. To help you out, we have made this list of our top 35 credit cards, based on specific categories. We know that different people need different types of credit cards, like some need entertainment credit cards, while some need cards that do not have any annual fees. Keeping in mind all these factors, we researched all credit cards and then formed this guide for you.

If you are looking for a credit card that will suit your needs, then this guide will help you a lot. Here, we have categorized the credit cards based on the maximum benefits that they can provide and the highlighted benefits of each card.

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Best Shopping Credit Cards

Online shopping has become a regular thing for people nowadays. Instead of walking to the store, it is far more convenient to sit in your room or office and order your groceries and clothes from the online market. Many credit card companies have made specific credit cards for online shopping which comes with huge discounts, rewards, and much more advantages. If you are looking for a credit card for online shopping, then we have selected the best ones for you. Here, we have a list of credit cards made specifically for online shopping, which will suit your needs.

1. HDFC Money Back Credit Card

The first card that we have on our list is the HDFC Money-Back credit card. This particular credit card provides you with the best cashback in the market. Moreover, it is the best credit card for beginners as it is easy to apply. You only have to pay INR 500 as an annual fee and then you can take advantage of all the benefits and cash backs that come along with the card. Even if you do not have a credit history, you can still apply for this particular card.

Annual Fee: INR 500 per year. If the card is approved within 3 months, an annual fee is waived off.

Why you should go for it?

The HDFC Money Back credit card is the easiest card to apply for. The best thing about this card is that you don’t need to have any credit card history for this card. Moreover, it comes with huge discounts and cash backs. If you are a regular online shopper, then this credit card will suit your needs.


Earn Rate: You get 2 reward points for every INR 150 you spent

Cashback Requirement: For every 100 reward points, you get INR 20 as a cashback. You get a voucher of INR 500 once you spent INR 50,000

Est. Point Value:

  • INR 150: 2 reward points (general spending)
  • INR 150: 4 reward points (online transactions)
  • 100 reward points: INR 20 cashback

Fuel Surcharge Waiver: Up to INR 250 for a month, at any gas station in India

2. SBI Simply CLICK Credit Card

If you love the services of SBI, then you would love their SBI Simply CLICK credit card for sure. This particular credit card is the perfect card for Amazon users. It comes with tons of benefits and rewards. One of the best things about this card is that you get a welcome gift of INR 500 from Amazon when you use this card for shopping. Other than that, the reward percentage is 2.50%, which is quite impressive. The annual fee of this credit card is less as compared to others. You get huge discounts, like 10% off on both Amazon and Flipkart shopping, and much more. The best thing is that, the expiration date of the reward points is 2 years.

Annual Fee: INR 499 per year. If annual spending is more than 1 lakh, the annual fee is waived off.

Why you should go for it?

Apart from the high reward percentage, this particular credit card comes with tons of benefits. You can get huge discounts while using this card on apps like Amazon, Book My Show, Urban Clap, Food Panda, and much more. Moreover, you can even withdraw 80% of the limited cash from the card.


Earn Rate: You get 5 points for every INR 100 spent on online retailers.

Cashback Requirement: Get one rupee for every INR 100 you spend on general expenses

Est. Point Value:

  • INR 100: 10 reward points (online shopping)
  • INR 100: 5 reward points (online retailers)
  • INR 100: 1 reward point (general)

3. Axis Bank Buzz Credit Card

If you are a regular Flipkart user, then you should get the Axis Bank Buzz credit card. you can instantly get discounts of 10% from Flipkart if you use the card in the first week of every month. Besides that, Axis even provides you with a gift voucher worth of INR 1000, after your first three online purchases. You can even get dinner benefits, up to 15% discount by using the credit card in any of the partner restaurants.

Annual Fee: INR 750 annually

Why you should go for it?

The Axis bank buzz credit card is the perfect credit card for Flipkart users. If you love online shopping and your destination is Flipkart, then you should apply for this credit card. Moreover, if you dine in any of the partner restaurants, then you would even get a huge discount of 15%.


Earn Rate: For every INR 200 you spend, you will get 6 reward points.

Cashback Requirement: Get INR 500 anniversary bonus by spending INR 25,000 annually. You can even get INR 1000 anniversary bonus by spending INR 50,000 annually.

Est. Point Value:

  • INR 200: 3 reward points (online shopping)
  • INR 200: 2 reward points (general spending)
  • 5 Edge points: 1 inter mile= INR 45; point redemption

4. SBI Simply Save Credit Card

For people who prefer to use credit or debit cards for daily transactions, the SBI Simply Save credit card will be a great add-on to their wallet. The credit card has some of the best offers for every shopaholic and is the most common credit card for online shopping. The best thing about this card is that, you get 10 times more reward points as compared to others. Moreover, you even get sign-up bonus points and gift vouchers when you use your card for the first time.

Annual Fee: INR 499 per year. If you spend more than 1 lakh in a year, annual fee is waived off.

Why you should go for it?

One of the best things about this credit card is that you can get massive bonus reward points. If you can spend INR 2000 within 60 days of receiving the credit card, then you can get bonus points of 2000, which you can use for online shopping. Moreover, the SBI Simply Save card provides you with extra reward points and tons of discounts on various apps.


Earn Rate: For every INR 100 spent, you get 10 points

Est. Point Value

  • INR 100: 10 points (on any online app)
  • INR 100: 1 point (General spending)

Fuel Surcharge Waiver: Get 1% of fuel surcharge at any fuel station in India

Best Travel Credit Cards

Travelling can be expensive and if you are a person who constantly travels, then you would need a credit card to cover up all your expenses. One cannot always rely on savings to travel and to help you out, we have curated this list of best travel credit cards. These credit cards come with tons of benefits and is perfect for people who are always on “travel mode.”

5. Bank Of America Travel Rewards Card

If you want a credit card for your travel expenses and do not want to spend money on annual fees, then you should get the Bank of America travel rewards card. It is the best card for travel bloggers and businessmen who are always flying off to different places. The best thing about this credit card, apart from no annual fees, is that you don’t even have to pay any foreign transaction fees! Moreover, you get tons of rewards and bonus points for every dollar you spent.

Annual Fee: Nil

Why you should go for it?

The Bank of America Travel rewards card provides you with great bonus points. You can get 1.5 reward points for every dollar you spend. Besides that, you can spend your reward points on anything. Another impressive thing is that you can get 25,000 bonus points by spending 1000 USD within 3 months.


Earn Rate: You get 1.5 reward points for every dollar you spend

Est. Point Value

  • 1 USD: 1.5 reward points (general spending)
  • 1 USD: 3 reward points (Travel booking)
  • 1000 USD: 25000 reward points (if spent in the first 3 months)

Travel Perks

  • No foreign transaction fees.
  • 24*7 concierge service, luxury hotel stays and travel insurance for Visa Signature Card user

6. Amex Platinum Travel Card

We loved the Amex platinum travel card the most. It provides the best vouchers and reward points that one can think of. If you want to apply for this card, you have to pay INR 3500 and then INR 5000 as an annual fee. Talking about the reward points, you get an Indigo voucher worth INR 4000 as a membership bonus. You can even get a gift card of INR 7700 of SpiceJet, if you spend more than 1.90 lakhs in a year. Besides that, you can even get a Taj group gift card of INR 10,000 and a SpiceJet gift card of INR 11,800 if you spend more than 4 lakhs in a year.

Annual Fee: INR 5000 per year

Why Should You Go For It?

If you are a regular flier of Indigo or SpiceJet, then you should get this travel card. Moreover, you can even get a discount of 20% if you dine at partner restaurants. The reward points, vouchers and the gift cards are awesome and will be a great use for people who travel by Indigo or SpiceJet. The reward percentage is more than 8%, which is quite great as compared to other cards.


Earn Rate: For every INR 50 you spend, you get 1 membership point.

Est. Point Value

  • INR 0.40: 1 reward point (general spending)
  • INR 100: 2.5 reward points (others)
  • 1 reward point value: INR 0.50

Travel Perks

  • Up to 4 free airport lounges per year
  • Around the globe concierge service
  • 5% + service tax for foreign exchanges
  • Zero liability for lost card

Fuel Surcharge Waiver: Free waiver at HPCL fuel stations

7. Citi Premier Miles Credit Card

If you are looking for an all-rounder travel card, then you should go for the Citi Premier Miles credit card. It has some of the best offers that we have seen in a travel card. If you are using this card, then you can get high rewards and cashback. It is even suitable for shopping all across the country, as it provides with discounts up to 15%. Moreover, if you subscribe to the EazyDiner subscription of the card, then you can get rewards and cashback. It even provides you with nice sign-up bonus and you can even redeem your travel points.

Annual Fee: INR 3000 per year

Why you should go for it?

This particular credit card provides you with best discounts on lifestyle, dining, airport lounges, and much more. You can get INR 4500 as a welcome gift from the credit card. In addition to that, you can even get INR 1350 or 3000 miles per year, once you renew your card.


Earn Rate: You get 4 miles for every INR 100 you spend.

Est. Point Value

  • INR 100: 10 miles (airline transactions)
  • INR 100: 4 miles (others)
  • INR 45: 100 miles (online travel partners)

Travel Perks

  • Best hotel deals across the globe
  • 15% off on airport restaurants in Mumbai & Hyderabad
  • Six airport lounges access per quarter
  • Easy redeem of miles

Fuel Surcharge Waiver: You can get contactless payment worth of INR 2000 with the card. You can also get fuel charge waiver on Indian Oil with this card.

Best Fuel Credit Cards

Fuel cards are taking over the market rapidly. Credit card companies are making more fuel credit cards to suit with the need of the customers. Here we have made a list of the best fuel credit cards that will help you to find the one that is suitable for you.

8. Indian Oil CITI Credit Card

If you are looking for a fuel credit card that will not only provide you with fuel benefits, but also discounts on dining, hotel booking, and much more, then you should go for the Indian Oil CITI credit card. The best thing about this credit card is that it provides you with 71 litres of free fuel every year. If that is not exciting enough, then the credit card even has some of the best features you will see. If you are using this credit card in IOC fuel stations, then you do not have to pay any fuel surcharge. Moreover, the card even provides you with nice discounts on dining and hotel booking with the partnered services.

Annual Fee: INR 1000 per year. If you spend more than INR 30,000 in a year, annual fee will be waived off.

Why you should go for it?

You should definitely get the Indian Oil CITI credit card if you need a good fuel card. The free fuel per year will be a great bonus for you and you can even get exciting offers on all the partner restaurants and hotels. Moreover, this particular credit card automatically converts all the big expenses into EMIs.


Earn Rate: For every INR 150 you spend in an IOC fuel station, you get 4 turbo points.

Est. Point Value

  • INR 150: 4 turbo points (in IOC outlets and partners)
  • INR 150: 2 turbo points (grocery shopping)
  • INR 150: 1 turbo point (general)
  • 1 Turbo point: 1 Rupee (Fuel redemption)
  • 1 Turbo point: 0.30 paise (others)

Fuel Surcharge Waiver: No payment for fuel surcharge for using the credit in IOC fuel station.

9. ICICI Bank Coral Contactless Credit Card

If you are a beginner and need a fuel credit card, then you should try out the ICICI bank coral contactless card. It comes with tons of benefits and is easy to use. Besides that, you even get nice travel perks, like discounts on dinner, hotel bookings and even access to MasterCard lounges in airports. In addition to this, you even get two complimentary movie tickets every month. The rewards and vouchers of this particular card will suit your needs.

Annual Fee: INR 500 per year. If you spend more than INR 1.5 lakh in a year, annual fee is waived off.

Why you should go for it?

The ICICI bank coral contactless credit card is one of the best fuel cards that comes with tons of vouchers and benefits. Moreover, the reward rate of this card is more than other cards. It has micro-chip in it along with a PIN, to ensure that the card is not copied.


Earn Rate: For every INR 100 you spend, you get 2 PAYBACK points

Est. Point Value

  • INR 100: 2 PAYBACK points (except fuel)
  • INR 100: 1 PAYBACK point (utilities and insurance)
  • INR 2 lakh: 2000 PAYBACK points (general)
  • INR 1 lakh: 1000 PAYBACK points (general)

Travel Perks

  • 15% off on dinner from partner restaurants
  • MasterCard lounge access in Indian airports

Fuel Surcharge Waiver: Get 1% fuel surcharge every time you spend less than INR 4000 in a HPCL fuel station

10. HSBC Visa Platinum Credit Card

If you need a fuel card but don’t want to pay any annual fees for the card, then you should go for the HSBC Visa Platinum credit card. It comes with tons of offers and is even suitable for shopping and dining. Moreover, if you make a transaction within the first 2 months of receiving the card, then you can get nice offers. Some of the offers include free airport lounge access for both international and domestic flights.

Annual Fee: Nil

Why you should go for it?

You should go for the HSBC platinum credit card as it comes with really nice offers. There is no annual fees and you get tons of benefits if you make your first transaction within 60 days. Besides that, the fuel surcharge waiver is also good in this card. Moreover, you even get movie vouchers from BookMyShow, by spending around INR 50,000 in a year.


Earn Rate: For every INR 150 you spend, you get 2 reward points

Cashback Requirement: You can get 10% cashback by spending a total of INR 10,000 in at least 9 transactions within 3 months.

Est. Point Value

  • INR 150: 2 reward points

Travel Perks

  • 15% discount for dining in over 1000 partner restaurants
  • Two airport lounge access in domestic and international airports
  • Meal vouchers in airport restaurants

Fuel Surcharge Waiver: 2.5% fuel surcharge on transactions between INR 400 to INR 4000 at any fuel station in India

11. Standard Chartered Super Value Titanium Credit Card

If you are a person who loves managing money and keeping a strict budget for all your expenses, then this particular fuel card is made for you. It comes with tons of rewards and cashbacks and will help you in maintaining your budget. It is not only an excellent fuel card, but is even useful for getting loans from banks within 2 days. Moreover, the card is even suitable for contactless payments and online banking.

Annual Fee: INR 750 per year. If you spend more than INR 90,000 in a year, the annual fee is waived off

Why you should go for it?

The Standard Chartered Super Value credit card is the best fuel card for getting loans and transferring balance from other credit cards with a nice interest. The credit card is highly secure and anyone can apply for this credit card. Even if you are a self-employed person and earn more than INR 6,60,000 per year, then you can easily apply for the credit card.


Earn Rate: For every INR 150 you spend, you get one reward point

Cashback Requirement: Get 5% cashback for spending a minimum INR 750 per month, on fuel at any fuel station

Est. Point Value

  • INR 150: 1 reward point (general)
  • For every overseas point-of-sales expenses, you get 5X reward points

Best Rewards Credit Cards

All credit card provides some benefits like reward points, dining discounts, vouchers, cashbacks, and much more. But, not all credit cards provide you with good reward points. The reward points that a credit card provides can be used to get certain gifts and other benefits. Moreover, these reward points will help you in saving money in many situations. Instead of spending money on online shopping, you can use your reward points for buying stuff. Here are some of the credit cards that are known for providing the best reward values.

12. HSBC Smart Value Credit Card

The first rewards credit card that we have in this list is the HSBC Smart Value credit card. The best thing about this credit card is that there is no joining fee. As a joining bonus, you get a voucher worth of INR 200 from BookMyShow for two months. In addition to that, you get a free subscription to Gaana+ for three months by using a credit card. The cashback value of this card is amazing and you would be able to save money effectively.

Annual Fee: INR 499 for the first year. If you spend more than INR 50,000 in a year, then the fee for the second year is waived off.

Why you should go for it?

You should select the HSBC Smart Value credit card as it comes with nice offers. You can get 3X reward points if you use your credit card for paying telecom, hotel and dining bills. Moreover, you can even get items on EMI at an interest rate of 10.99% per annum. Besides that, you will also get vouchers from Cleartrip and Amazon within 30 days of the card.


Earn Rate: For every INR 100 you spend, you get 1 reward point

Cashback Requirement: Get 10% cashback by spending a minimum total amount of INR 5000 in 5 transactions within 2 months of receiving the card.

Est. Point Value

  • INR 100: 1 reward point (general)
  • Get 3X reward points on using the card for dining, hotel and telecom bills
  • Redeem vouchers and gifts from the HSBC reward catalogue

13. YES Prosperity Reward Plus Credit Card

The next card that we have in the rewards credit card section is the YES Prosperity reward plus credit card. The best thing about this card is that there is no joining and annual fee. Apart from that, you even get a signing bonus of 1250 reward points, if you spend INR 5000 within the first month of card usage. Moreover, the redemption options for this card is really nice. You can get anything from the catalogue of rewards from the card.

Annual Fee: Nil

Why you should go for it?

You should get the YES prosperity reward plus credit card as it gives you an opportunity to earn rewards in many places. Moreover, the redemption rate and the milestone bonus of the credit cards are amazing. You can save tons of money with the help of the reward points that you get from the card.


Earn Rate: For every INR 100 you spend, you get 2 reward points

Est. Point Value

  • INR 100: 3 reward points (dining and online expenses)
  • INR 100: 4 reward points (international expenses)
  • INR 100: 2 reward points (general)
  • INR 100: 5 reward points (birthday expenses)
  • For every YES PayNow registration: 500 reward points
  • 4 reward points: 1 JP Miles
  • INR 3.6 lakh per annum: 12,000 reward points
  • 4 transactions of INR 500 each (monthly): 100 reward points

14. HDFC Freedom Credit Card

If you are looking for a credit card where you can get decent rewards and don’t have to pay much for the annual and joining fee, then you should apply for the HDFC Freedom Credit Card. Moreover, you even get insurance covers for fire, burglary and even accidental death insurance covers. You even get milestone bonus and nice redemption options for all your reward points.

Annual Fee: INR 500 per year. If you spend more than INR 60,000 in a year, the annual fee gets waived off.

Why you should go for it?

If you need a credit card that not only provides you with high rewards but also vouchers and other benefits, then you should go for the HDFC freedom credit card. You get gift vouchers worth of INR 1000 after spending more than INR 90,000 in a year. There are even cashback options in return for rewards.


Earn Rate: For every INR 150 you spend, you get 1 reward point

Est. Point Value

  • INR 150: 1 reward point (general)
  • 5X reward points, if you use the card for shopping
  • 10X reward points, if you use the card for PayZapp and SmartBuy
  • 25X reward points for using the card on birthday expenses
  • Spend INR 90,000 in a year and get vouchers of INR 1000

15. Standard Chartered Platinum Rewards Credit Card

The Standard Chartered Platinum rewards credit card comes with nice offers at a minimum annual and joining fee. You only have to pay INR 250 as a joining fee and then an annual fee of INR 250 per year. It provides some nice rewards for everyday spending and even on expenses on fuel and dining. If you are not sure about reward credit cards and need one to try out, then start with this particular card. You would be able to save money with the reward structure of the credit card.

Annual Fee: INR 250 per year

Why you should go for it?

If you are new to rewards credit cards and need one to experiment, then this particular credit card is made for you. Moreover, if your transaction is more than INR 5000, you can even convert it to EMI with this card. Besides that, you can even convert the entire balance (maximum INR 5 lakh) into EMI without paying a single penny for the processing fee.


Earn Rate: For every INR 150 you spend, you get 1 reward point

Est. Point Value

  • INR 150: 1 reward point (general)
  • INR 150: 5 reward points (dining and fuel)
  • Get 5X reward points on shopping

Best Cashback Credit Cards

Who doesn’t love getting cashbacks for every expenditure? Well, to encourage people to use credit cards, companies are providing exciting cashback offers on all kinds of expenditure. Moreover, you can even save money with the cashback offers. If you are looking for a credit card which will provide you with the maximum cashback, then we have the best ones for you. Here we have listed out the best credit cards that offers amazing cashback offers for the users.

16. Axis Bank My Zone Credit Card

The Axis My Zone credit card is one of the best credit cards from the bank. It is best known for its cashback offers along with other vouchers and signing bonus. The joining and annual fee is only INR 500 and if you spend INR 5000 within the first 45 days, then you don’t have to pay the joining fees. Besides that, you can get around 25% cashback by using the cards for booking movie tickets. Moreover, you even get high reward points if you use the card during the weekends. It is the best card to use for parties and watching movies as it provides nice offers.

Annual Fee: INR 500 per year

Why you should go for it?

Apart from the amazing cashback offers, the My Zone credit card even has nice interest rates and is best for people who need bonus and vouchers for online shopping and as such. You even get bonus reward points while using the card for the first time for online shopping. You even get free airport lounge access by using the card.


Earn Rate:  For every INR 200 you spend, you get 4 reward points

Cashback Requirement: Get 25% cashback by using the card for booking movie tickets

Est Point Value

  • INR 200: 4 reward points (general)
  • INR 200: 20 reward points (online shopping on weekdays)
  • INR 200: 40 reward points (online shopping on weekends)
  • Get 100 reward points by using the card for online shopping
  • Get 10X reward points by using the card for dining during weekends
  • Get 5X reward points by shopping at partnered stores

Travel Perks

  • 4 complimentary free airport lounge access per year in India

Fuel Surcharge Waiver: Get 1% fuel surcharge at any fuel station in India for transactions between INR 400 to INR 4000

17. HDFC Bharat Cashback Card

The next cashback card that we have on this list is the HDFC Bharat cashback card. It does not have much reward point offers, but when it comes to cashback, you can get cashbacks on every transaction you make. By using this card, you can get up to 5% cashback for groceries, mobile recharge and much more. Moreover, you can redeem the cashback points for actual cash and later use it for other expenses.

Annual Fee: INR 500 per year. If you spend more than INR 50,000 in a year, then the annual fee will be waived off.

Why you should go for it?

Talking about the benefits that you can get from this card, there are tons to mention. You can get accidental coverage, if you use this card to make four monthly transactions of value INR 100. Besides that, you can even get death insurance up to INR 50 lakhs and also insurance cover for theft of INR 2 lakhs.


Earn Rate: For every rupee you spend, you get 1 reward point.

Cashback Requirement: Get 5% cashback for using the card on groceries, fuel, mobile bills, etc. You can get cashback of 5% by using the card to make payments on SmartBuy, EasyEMI and PayZapp.

Fuel Surcharge Waiver: Get 1% fuel surcharge waiver in any fuel station across India, by using the card.

18. Kotak Delight Platinum Credit Card

The Kotak Delight Platinum credit card is one of the most referred credit cards by experts. You get nice cashback offers, vouchers and can save money easily. Moreover, you even get cashback for every transaction you make. Moreover, you can get a cover of around INR 1.25 lakhs in case of theft or misplacement of the card. You even get options for cashback. One of the most famous options is that you can either get INR 750 as a cashback or 4 PVR tickets, if you spend more than INR 1.25 lakhs in every six months.

Annual Fee: INR 299 per year.

Why you should go for it?

If you need a credit card that can offer you with nice lifestyle bonus and vouchers, then you should go for this card. The cashback rate of this credit card is high as compared to others in the field. You will even get 2 vouchers from BookMyShow, the first time you use this card. It would help you to save money and maintain a nice lifestyle at the same time.


Cashback Requirement

  • Get 10% discount on dining and movies
  • You can either opt for a cashback of INR 1500 per year or 8 PVR tickets
  • For transactions over INR 10,000, you get 10% discount for any movie tickets
  • Maximum cashback for each cycle in dining and entertainment is INR 600

Fuel Surcharge Waiver

  • Get fuel surcharge waiver of INR 4500 per year. The waiver is valid for transactions between INR 400 to INR 4000
  • Get fuel surcharge waiver of INR 500 on railway ticket bookings
  • Get 2.5% fuel surcharge waiver at the Indian Railways booking counter
  • Get up to 1.8% waiver by booking at the Indian Railways website

Best Entertainment Credit Cards

Entertainment credit cards, as the name states are designed specifically for entertainment usage. If you are one of those people who love partying, watching movies and dining at restaurants, then entertainment credit cards are your type. They do not provide much rewards or cashbacks but they do give you tons of discounts on movies and dining. Here is a list of some of the best entertainment cards that we found to be suitable.

19. Kotak PVR Credit Card

As the name states, the Kotak PVR credit cards is made for those who love watching all first show first day. It does not have much rewards or cashback offers, but will provide you with the best tickets so that you can enjoy your show. The Kotak PVR card comes in two forms: Platinum and Gold, and the benefits are quite the same. You can get up to 24 movie tickets per year by spending a threshold amount for your expenses. You can even get cashback for every movie ticket booking.

Annual Fee: INR 499 per year (for gold)

Why you should go for it?

If you do not need much reward points or cashback and vouchers, but need a card specifically for watching movies, then you should get a Kotak PVR credit card. It provides you with 2 free PVR tickets once you spend more than INR 15,000 in a month. Besides that, you get cashback for every ticket booking you make.


Cashback: Get 5% cashback for every movie ticket booking. Get 15% cashback on food and drinks in PVR theatres

20. SBI Elite Credit Card

If you are looking for a credit card that can not only provide you with entertainment benefits, but also benefits for travel and shopping, then you should go for this particular card. Though the annual fee is quite high as compared to other credit cards, the benefits are quite extravagant too. By signing up for this credit card, you can get free tickets worth of INR 6000 for free, per year. Besides that, you get a bonus of 50,000 reward points every year. You will even get an e-gift voucher as a signing voucher which is worthy of INR 5000.

Annual Fee: INR 4,999 per year. If you spend more than 10 lakh in a year, the annual fee gets waived off.

Why you should go for it?

Apart from the amazing entertainment benefits that the credit card provides, you will get amazing offers on fuel surcharge and milestone bonus. You will get complimentary movie tickets from BookMyShow worthy of INR 6000 per year. Moreover, you can even get a discount of INR 250 on every ticket you book.


Earn Rate: For every INR 100 you spend, you get 2 reward points.

Est. Point Value

  • 4 reward points: 1 rupee
  • INR 100: 10 reward points (dining, groceries and departmental stores)
  • INR 100: 2 reward points (general spending except on fuel)
  • INR 3 lakh- 4 lakh per year: 10,000 reward points
  • INR 5 lakh per year: 15,000 reward points
  • INR 8 lakh per year : 15,000 reward points (additional)

Travel Perks

  • Six international and two domestic airport lounge access per year
  • Complimentary membership to Club Vistara
  • Trident privilege membership
  • Visa privileges

21. SBI Card Prime

The next entertainment card that we have for you is the SBI Card Prime. It has some of the nicest benefits that we have seen and is even affordable. The annual fee is quite less compared to other entertainment cards and you get tons of vouchers and benefits from the card. Besides that, you get high reward points for every INR 100 you spend. The card even offers a free movie ticket every year to its users. You even get to experience some of the premium benefits from this card.

Annual Fee: INR 2,999 per year. If you spend more than INR 3 lakh in a year, then the annual fee is waived off.

Why you should go for it?

Apart from the amazing benefits, you even get to have some nice welcome gifts. One of the most exciting welcome gifts from SBI Card Prime is the e-gift voucher of INR 3000 from any of the partner brands like Pantaloons, or Shoppers Stop. The rewards program of this card is also amazing and you can earn rewards all the time. You can use these reward points to book movie tickets and get dining discounts too.


Earn Rate: You get 2 reward points for every INR 100 you spend

Est. Point Value

  • INR 100: 10 reward points (dining, movie tickets, groceries, departmental stores)
  • INR 100: 2 reward points (general)
  • INR 100: 15 reward points (Big Basket)
  • INR 100: 20 reward points (utility bills)
  • 4 reward points: 1 rupee
  • INR 100: 20 reward points (birthday expenses)

Travel Perks

  • 4 complimentary international airport lounge access
  • 8 complimentary domestic airport lounge access
  • 4 Green Fee waiver per year (golfing)

Best Premium Credit Cards

Premium credit cards are designed for a specific type of facility for the user. There are various kinds of premium cards designed for international tours, for golf courses, regular users, and much more. To help you out in selecting the best premium card, we have made this list for you. The below premium credit cards are some of the most popular cards in the market.

22. HDFC Bank Regalia First Card

The first premium credit card that we have is the HDFC Bank Regalia First card. This card is made for people who are always on international tours. The joining fee and the annual fee for the card is INR 1000 each. You get to have tons of benefits from the card like lifestyle and travel benefits. Moreover, the reward values are also amazing and you can even redeem them for flight tickets.

Annual Fee: INR 1000 per year. If you spend more than INR 3 lakh in a year, the annual fee will be waived off.

Why you should go for it?

If you are a person who is always seen on international flights and needs travel benefits, then you should go for this premium card. The card even offers you a joining bonus of 1000 reward points, which you can later redeem for free flight tickets. Moreover, the card even provides you with free insurance, hospitalization and accidental flight death.


Est. Point Value

  • INR 6 lakh per year: 7500 reward points (general)
  • Joining bonus of 1000 reward points

Travel Perks

  • Get a discount of 15% on premium restaurants all over India
  • Priority pass membership, allowing you access to more than 700 airport lounges
  • Get free access to 8 domestic airport lounges each year
  • Mark up fee of 2% on foreign currency for international travelling

23. HSBC Premier Master Card

If you are a golf enthusiast, then the HSBC Premier Master card is made for you. Though the card does not have any reward points or benefits on other facilities, but it provides you with tons of golf benefits. The best thing about this card is that there is no annual fee for the card. You can get access to all the finest golf courses in India and abroad, without having to pay anything as an annual fee.

Annual Fee: Nil

Why you should go for it?

The HSBC Premier Master card is made specifically for people who love playing golf. With a single card you can get to play golf at any fine course in any country. Moreover, you even get to have certain golf benefits from the card too.


  • Free membership with discount
  • Access to more than 2000 golf courses all over the world
  • Get access to all the finest golf courses in India
  • Get free five games on Indian golf courses

24. HDFC Infinia Credit Card

If you are looking for a premium credit card that provides you with tons of benefits and does not have any pre-set spending limit, then you should check out the HDFC Infinia credit card. Though the joining fee is quite high as compared to other credit cards, but it provides with nice benefits. You get to have travel benefits, dining benefits and even rewards on every expenditure. Another interesting thing about this card is that the reward points for the card will expire after three years.

Annual Fee: Have to pay a joining fee of INR 10,000

Why you should go for it?

The HDFC Infinia credit card does not have any spending limit, hence allowing you to have control over your expenses. Besides that, you even get benefits like complimentary golf games in some of the best courses in the country. You even get discounts for dining and lifestyle expenditure.


Earn Rate: For every INR 150 you spend, you get 5 reward points

Est. Point Value

  • INR 150: 5 reward points (general)
  • Convert reward points into Miles and use them to get free tickets

Travel Perks

  • 2% foreign currency mark-up on every international expenditure
  • Access to more than 1000 lounges all over the world
  • Get 20% off on weekends at Marriott hotels in Asia Pacific
  • 20% off on selected restaurants and lifestyle stores
  • 100% green fee waiver for primary card holders
  • 15% off on dining at more than 3000 restaurants

25. Citi Prestige Credit Card

The Citi Prestige credit card is made for golf enthusiasts in the country. This particular premium card gives you the access to some of the best premium golf courses in the country. Besides that, it is super easy to apply for a card. You can either apply through online method or by visiting the bank. The Citi Prestige credit card even provides you with free green fees at selected golf courses all over the world.

Annual Fee: Nil

Why you should go for it?

If you are looking for a premium card that can provide you with good golf benefits inside the country, then you should apply for the Citi Prestige credit card. The benefits are quite good and you do not have to go through tons of procedures to get the card.


  • Free green fees at selected golf courses all over the world
  • Access to premium golf courses in India
  • Get 4 free golf lessons each year in the best 15 Indian golf clubs
  • Get 4 free rounds of golf every year, at 15 selected Indian golf clubs

26. ICICI Bank Credit Cards

If you need a premium card to help you out in golfing sessions, then the ICICI bank credit card is the best option for you. It is best for beginners as it provides nice golfing benefits at some of the finest golf clubs in the country. The joining fee is quite less as compared to others, and you get to have access to the best golf courses in the country.

Annual Fee: Nil

Why you should go for it?

For beginners, the ICICI bank credit card is the best option to try out golfing. Moreover, you get to have nice benefits by only paying INR 500 as the joining fee. Besides that, you even get to have free rounds every year by using the card.


  • Free golf rounds in Indian golf courses every year
  • Save on green fees
  • Get additional rounds
  • Exclusive benefits at eight Indian golf clubs
  • Access to the best nine golf clubs in the country

Best Credit Card In India With No Annual Fee

If you want to try out credit cards but are sceptical about the annual fees, then you should go for credit cards that do not have any annual fees. Certain banks have created credit cards with no annual and joining fees, specifically for the beginners. These cards will help you know the usage and benefits of credit cards. Here is a list of the best credit cards that do not charge any annual fees to its user.

27. Amazon Pay ICICI Bank Credit Card

The first card that we have in this category is the Amazon Pay ICICI bank credit card. If you love shopping from Amazon, then this card will be a boon for you. Amazon collaborated with ICICI and made this card for its potential users. Moreover, it is a Lifetime free credit card that comes with tons of benefits. The cashback offers are amazing and you get to use all the facilities of Amazon.

Annual Fee: Nil

Why you should go for it?

For a person who loves shopping on Amazon, this card is a must. Even if you have never used a credit card, this would be a great opportunity for you to try it out. Besides that, you don’t even have to pay any joining and annual fees and get amazing cashback and reward points for every purchase you make.


  • No earning limit
  • No expiry dates for the earnings on the card
  • Get 5% cashback for every transaction made with this card (for Prime members)
  • Get 3% cashback for every purchase from Amazon (non-Prime members)
  • Earn 2% through transactions made with partner merchants
  • Earn 1% for every general transaction made
  • Get fuel surcharge waiver of 1% at HP stations, for transactions of INR 4000
  • Get 15% off on dining at select restaurants

28. ICICI Platinum Chip Credit Card

The next credit card that we have on this list is the ICICI platinum chip credit card. It is one of the best credit card that you can get as a beginner. Though you have to pay the annual fee of INR 499 for the first year, it would be waived off from the upcoming year. Besides that, the card provides you with nice PAYBACK points for every transaction you make.

Annual Fee: INR 499 for the first year

Why you should go for it?

The ICICI Platinum chip credit card is the easiest card to apply. Besides that, you get to have the benefits of reward points and travel perks. For every transaction you make, you will earn some reward points, that you can use for later purchase. You can even redeem your reward points for free movie tickets and travel vouchers


Earn Rate: For every INR 100 you spend, you get 2 PAYBACK points

Est. Point Value

  • INR 100: 2 PAYBACK points (except fuel)
  • INR 100: 1 PAYBACK point (utilities and insurance)

29. Central Bank Of India Titanium Credit Card

For people who love traveling, this particular credit card will be a great add-on. You can get all the travel perks and vouchers without having to pay a single penny for the joining fee and annual fee. Besides that, this credit card will help you with your shopping expenses. For every transaction, you will get loyalty points and even exciting vouchers.

Annual Fee: Nil

Why you should go for it?

If you need a card to help you manage your shopping bills and earn rewards for every transaction, then you should definitely apply for this card. You will even get a credit free usage for 55 days and the card won’t even charge you for add-on cards.


Earn Rate: For every INR 100 you spend, you will get 1 loyalty point

Travel Perks

  • Complimentary lounge access in selected airports in India

30. Kotak Urbane Gold Credit Card

If you need a credit card for your shopping and movie expenses, then you should try applying for the Kotak Urbane Gold credit card. However, you would have to pay an annual fee of INR 199 every year. But, if you around INR 15,000 within 3 months of receiving the card, then the fee will be waived off. Talking about the rewards, you will get reward points for every transaction you make.

Annual Fee: INR 199 per year. If you spend a minimum of INR 15,000 within 3 months, the annual fee is waived off.

Why you should go for it?

The Kotak Urbane Gold credit card is one of the best credit card that you can get at a cheap annual fee amount. Moreover, the rewards and benefits of this card is quite phenomenal and will help you in managing your expenses.


Earn Rate: For every INR 100 you spend, you will get 3X reward points


  • Redeem 1000 reward points and get INR 75
  • Get a coverage of INR 50,000 in case of card loss
  • Get an add-on card without any extra charge
  • Get 4 PVR tickets by spending INR 1 lakh in a year else 10,000 rewards

Best Credit Cards For Dining

If you are looking for a credit card that offers great discounts on dining at select restaurants and other extra benefits too, then you should check out the below credit cards. These cards are specifically made for dining and will provide you with tons of benefits too.

31. HDFC Bank Diner Club Black Card

For people who always travel internationally, this card will be a perfect boon them. It is a card that HDFC made along with Diner Club and is known for its best features. Though the joining and annual fee is a bit high, the benefits are worthy of the investment. You have to pay INR 10, 000 as a joining fee, after which you can avail of tons of signing bonus and other features.

Annual Fee: INR 5000 per year. If annual spending is more than 5 lakh, then annual fee is waived off.

Why you should go for it?

If you are looking for a card that will provide you with exciting discounts and reward points, then you should definitely select this particular card. You even get access to airport lounges all over the world. Moreover, for every transaction, you get reward points, which you can redeem for free services.


  • Get access to 700+ airport lounges all over the world
  • Get dinner discounts of 15% at select restaurants worldwide
  • Get 50 reward points for all international expenditures
  • Redeem your reward points for getting hotel bookings, air tickets, etc.
  • Get insurance cover for all kinds of accidents and delays.

32. Jet Privilege HDFC Bank Diners Club Card

If you travel by Jet Airways on a regular basis, then you should get this credit card for sure. It comes with tons of benefits and will help you in managing your international expenditure. The joining fee for this card is INR 10,000 and the renewal fee is half of it. Besides that, the card provides you with reward points, which you can redeem to get free flight tickets.

Annual Fee: INR 5000 per year. It will be waived off if your annual spending is more than 8 lakhs

Why you should go for it?

If you are an international traveller, then you should definitely get this card. It not only provides you with nice reward points, but even gives you nice discounts ta top notch restaurants all over the word. You even get to enjoy certain travel perks with this card.


  • Extra discounts at select restaurants all over the world
  • Free airport lounge access at select airports
  • Extra baggage allowance
  • Priority check-in

Best Credit Card For Free Airport Lounge Access

Airport lounge access can be a great benefit for people who continuously travel. However, getting access to airport lounge can cost you a lot. If you are a person who travels a lot, then you should get a credit card which provides you with free airport lounge access in almost all the airports. Here is a list of some of the best credit cards with free airport lounge access.

33. InterMiles ICICI Bank Sapphiro Credit Card

The InterMiles ICICI credit card is made for people who are always on a rush. The best thing about this credit card is that it allows contactless payments in all places. Moreover, you get bonus reward points of 5000 every year, which you can redeem to get free tickets and other benefits.  The card not only provides you with free airport lounge access, but even gives you free spa visits, movie tickets, fuel surcharge waiver and much more.

Annual Fee: INR 5000 per year.

Why you should go for it?

The InterMiles ICICI bank credit card is made for avid travellers. It will be the greatest add-on to your travel perks and will help you in saving money on your expenses. With every transaction, you will get reward points and other nice benefits.


  • Get free airport lounge access in airports all across the world
  • Dinner discounts up to 15% at select restaurants
  • 2 complimentary spa visits per year
  • Discounts on movie tickets
  • 5000 reward points every year
  • Complimentary discount of INR 500 every year
  • 1% fuel surcharge waiver for INR 4000 transaction at any fuel station

34. American Express Platinum Travel Credit Card

The American Express Platinum credit card is also known as a premium credit card due to its certain features. It not only provides you with lounge access at top-notch airports in India but even gives its users a range of benefits.

Annual Fee: INR 3500 per year

Why you should go for it?

For people who are always traveling to different cities for business, the America Express Platinum credit card will be perfect for them. It provides you excellent assistance all over the world and even gives you top-notch service in the airports.


  • Get lounge access to 4 domestic airports in selected cities every year
  • Get priority pass membership for free
  • Get round the clock Platinum assist
  • Emergency card replacement anywhere in the world

35. Axis Bank Vistara Infinite Credit Card

For people who want to try out credit cards with free lounge access, this would be a perfect first card. Though the annual fee is a bit high, the services and benefits that come along with the card are worthy of the investment.

Annual Fee: INR 10,000 per year

Why you should go for it?

This particular credit card not only provides you with free airport access but even gives you discounts at many restaurants and free memberships too. Moreover, you even get a complimentary business class seat reservation as a joining bonus.


  • Complimentary business class seat as a joining bonus
  • Get 15% discount at select restaurants
  • Get free Club Vistara Gold membership
  • Get access to 6 golf courses in the country
  • Get 10,000 Club Vistara points by spending 1 lakh in a year

How To Choose Top Credit Card For You?

With tons of credit cards already available in the market, it can get really difficult to choose a card for yourself. To help you out, we have created this guide for you. It consists of the important factors that you should look for in a credit card before applying for it.

Annual Fee

The foremost thing that you should look for in a credit card is the annual fee of the card. Annual fee is the amount of money you have to pay to the company every year, for using the credit card. While most of the credit cards have less annual fee, around INR 250, others have annual fee as high as INR 10,000. Before applying for a credit card, make sure to check for the annual fee as you would have to pay the amount even if you have not used the card in a year. There are credit cards with no annual fees too. You can apply for those cards if you are a beginner and cannot pay the annual fee.

Type Of Credit Card

The next thing to keep in mind is the type of credit card that you need. There are various kinds of credit cards available like credit cards for entertainment, for travelling, for free airport lounge access, for dinning, and much more. Before applying for a credit card make sure to note down the type of credit card that will suit your needs. It will help you in selecting the perfect card without any difficulty.


All credit cards provide certain benefits to its users. While some credit cards provide only reward points, others go as far as providing complimentary golf lessons, free movie tickets, discounts on dining, and much more. Look for the type of benefits that the credit card is providing before you apply. The more are the benefits, better is the credit card. There are premium credit cards that only provide you with one kind of facility. Check out the cards that suit you best and then avail the benefits.


What is a premium credit card?

A premium credit card is a card designed for providing one kind of facility to the users. There are premium cards made for golf services only, while some are designed only for travel perks.

Can I get a credit card with no credit history?

Yes, you can apply for a credit card without even having any credit history. Some of the credit card companies have this particular feature for beginners.

Are there credit cards with no annual fees?

Yes, there are credit cards available for which you do not have to pay any annual or joining fee at all.

What are the types of benefits that I can get from a credit card?

You can get reward points for every transaction you make using your credit card. Other than that, you can even get a fuel surcharge waiver, free movie tickets, access to airport lounges, and much more.

What is the earn rate?

Earn rate is the value of every transaction you make. It states the amount of reward point you will get for spending INR 100.


New IndusInd Legend Signature Credit Card And Its Review

One of the underrated credit cards is the IndusInd Legend Signature credit card. Maybe the extreme high fee is one of the reasons behind this. But more things need to be appreciated. And there are some more interesting things – you could also be a part of it. How? To know more, scroll down to know about “New IndusInd legend signature credit card and its review”.

Key – Highlights

Well, there are quite attractive features which makes it a top competitor.

  • Up to 3 free tickets in a month from BookMyShow, and Rs 200 of each ticket can be available.
  • You can get access to 600+ international airport lounge, and the charges of visiting the international lounge are waived off.
  • Golf rounds and lessons from leading golf brands of different states like Chennai, Ahmedabad are offered.
  • The fuel charge is also waived off – up to Rs 4000 can be waived off in a month.
  • 24×7 hour concierge service is also another good point to discuss.
  • Auto assist facility – like emergency refuel, roadside repair and much more.
  • Good coverage amount in almost everything – starting from losing passport to air accident coverages are good.


Good rewards are always expected, and here it is no exception.

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There is quite a lot of information about redeeming the rewards.

First, there are vouchers from the Indus Moments Rewards catalogue; you can redeem rewards from there quickly.

Second, each reward point stands for Rs 1 – so you can understand how much they are worthy!

Third, you can also convert the reward points into air distance like Intermiles or Vistara points.


The fees and various charges are discussed below:

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If you look more closely, you can notice a similarity between every IndusInd credit card. In fact, not for IndusInd, there are almost the same fees for every card of the same bank.

Features And Benefits

Here are the main things to discuss – by looking at this point, one can understand why applying for the card. So, let’s check out all the benefits and features.

1. Rewards program: The rewards programs are limited but quite adequate in the amount. Like you see, for every Rs 100 you spend, you will be rewarded 1 or 2 reward points equivalent to Rs 1 or 2 on weekdays and weekends, respectively. Again, you will be awarded bonus points to spend a certain amount as mentioned by them.

2. Enjoy Golf rounds: You can fulfil your golf lesson and golf watching dream using this credit card. Unfortunately, they didn’t disclose the number of times you can enjoy the golf lesson and watching golf round – maybe when you apply for this card, you will get to know. Esteemed golf clubs from different states like Chennai, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Pune, Delhi host individual golf lessons, and you can participate. Moreover, you are eligible to claim a Hole-in-one insurance amount of Rs 20000.

3. Enjoy movies from BookMyShow: You should not compromise with your entertainment also! IndusInd has brought you such an opportunity to get a free ticket with another one you bought for. Thus, you can get up to 3 free tickets in a month, and the maximum discount you can get is Rs 200 on each ticket. But keep in mind that you have to purchase tickets from BookMyShow.

4. Lounge access and membership: Like any other premium card, you will get priority pass membership and lounge access to 600+ airports around the globe. Not only you, but you can also save money with another companion (i.e. this offer is applicable for 2 persons – one is the primary cardholder and another is anyone). Thus, you can save up to Rs 13200 in a year.

5. Waive off the fee of international lounge visits: You have to pay $27 for every single international lounge visit. But if you use this credit card, this fee is waived off, and there are 8 chances to do so. Actually, you will get a membership under “Travel Plus” worth Rs 5000, and from this membership, you will get this facility.

6. Waive off fuel charges: Generally, 1% of the fuel charge is applied, but you can waive off the fuel charges using this card. The only condition is you have to refuel from HPCL, IOC and BPCL petrol stations. But keep in mind that the maximum waived off charge ranges between Rs 400 and Rs 4000.

7. 24×7 hours concierge service: This is very common to all the premium cards – you can get advice and concierge service regarding table and restaurant reservations, international gift deliveries and much more.

8. Miscellaneous services: IndusInd has introduced an auto assist service, which provides an instant service in case of unexpected events. Your car may suffer from a flat tyre; you may be locked inside the car – you will get instant relief from these types of cases. Apart from these, you can enjoy roadside services, emergency fuel refills, battery services, and much more.

9. Good coverage amount: While travelling outside, you will get enough coverage amount in an emergency or unexpected case. Like those, I am going to discuss –

  • Rs 50000 can be claimed in case of losing passport.
  • Rs 1 lakh can be claimed when losing baggage, and Rs 25000 can be claimed in delayed baggage.
  • You will get Rs 25000 in case of losing the ticket as coverage.
  • The coverage amount of Rs 25000 can be claimed in case of a missing flight.
  • Rs 25 lakh can be claimed in case of an air accident while travelling overseas.
  • Up to the credit limit, you will get the card lost liability cover.

Cards Similar To The Card

Many same-level competitors give head-to-head competition with this credit card.

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Who Should Opt For This Card?

 At a quick look, we can identify that this is a premium card, but remember that a common person can also enjoy the premium card if the fees are lower. But here, the cases are mixed. This means the joining fee is too high, but there is no annual fee. So, there is a bit of confusion for the common people.

If you take the case of zero annual fees, other banks are available that do not charge an annual fee. Moreover, if they do, some transaction goals will waive off the annual fee. So, the choice is yours!

Why Is This Card better than other cards?

Actually, there are very few points to support this statement.

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How to apply for this card?

I don’t know whether you are interested in applying for this card or not. Let’s discuss the point for the interested one.

  • Go to the official website will find some questions are asking for details. Fill very carefully.
  • In the second step, you have to fill in some other fields – mobile number, PAN number, pin code, Net annual income, and so on. Keep all the documents ready in your hand to avoid an error.
  • Fill the forms very carefully. And also, read all the disclaimer terms and conditions before applying.

I am not describing all the points for applying for the card. It is a straightforward process. Fill in the form and enter the following form by clicking on the “next” button. Remember- forms will be rejected in case of any false information.

Eligibility Criteria And Documents Required

  • You have to be an Indian.
  • Your age should be between 18 – 65 years old.
  • The minimum income requirement is Rs 3.6 lakh per annum if you are a salaried person. And for a self–employed person, the minimum income should be Rs 4.8 lakh per annum.
  • A good credit score and credit history is needed.

Documents Required

  • Proof of identity and proof of address/residence is sufficient for applying for this card. You can choose anyone for each case from the below list:
  • AADHAR card, PAN card, Voter card slip, driving license – for identity proof.
  • Ration card, water bill, gas connection bill, the electric bill – for address proof.
  • Form 16 or last 2 months payslip – for income proof.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is everyone free to apply for this card?

There are no special requirements mentioned from IndusInd bank. Yes, you have to meet the normal or general criteria like age criteria, income criteria – these are common for all banks. And good credit history is prioritized.

2. What is the customer care contact number?

The number is 18602677777, and you can contact over there for any issues. The concierge service is also served from this number.

3. What to do, if I lose the card?

Ans: There are two options are available to you – one is you can contact the bank executives and customer care to block the credit card immediately within 24 hours of losing the card. Another one is you can block the card from your own by using the IndusInd bank official app or net portal.

4. Are there any premium features available on this card?

There are lounge access and priority membership available. You will get complimentary lounge access to 600+ airports, and for your information, this offer is available only for the primary cardholder. Auto assist is another unique feature that is available with this card. It is recommended to read the features and benefits section.

5. Which is better IndusInd Legend or IndusInd Iconia?

It is better not to comment on this type of questions. Because both of the cards are best at their point of view – premium features with premium card and fees and you have to compromise some features if the fee is less!

Final Talk

Here, the time comes for the conclusion. There are no extra rewards or benefits that make it unique. Moreover, among the premium cards, it charges significantly higher than others.

I hope you have cleared all the doubts by reading this article. Thank you and see you again later!


SBI Prime Credit Card Review

SBI Prime Credit Card was introduced in the year 2017. From the start, this credit card has taken its journey on another level. This card allows a lot of things like flight memberships, hotel memberships, golfing benefits, etc.

This review will give you a way to understand this prime card’s concept and help you decide to have the best credit card.

Key Highlights 

  • It serves you with 20 reward points on every Rs.100 on your birthday.
  • You have access to the domestic and international lounge, which is completely complimentary.
  • Vouchers on welcoming you of Rs.3,000, which are of Hush Puppies, Pantaloons, Bata, Marks & Spencer, Shoppers Stop, and
  • Membership of Trident Privilege Red Tier, which is also complimentary.
  • Another best complimentary Silver membership of Club Vistara.
  • Vouchers of Milestone of Rs.1,000.
  • Your annual fee can be waived off if you exceed your expenses to Rs.3 Lakh.
  • If you purchase more than Rs.50,000 in a quarter, you win a Pizza Hut voucher of Rs. 1,000.


SBI Prime Credit Card has three different kinds of rewards. They are: – Regular, Accelerated, and Milestone.

1. Regular Rewards

  • On every Rs.100 expense, you can receive 2 reward points.
  • The value of 1 reward point is Rs.0.25.

2. Accelerated Rewards

  • It serves you with 20 reward points on every Rs.100 on your birthday.
  • It serves you with 10 reward points on every Rs.100 on movies, dining, groceries, and departmental stores.
  • It serves you with 20 reward points on every Rs.100 on standing instructions.
  • It serves you with 15 reward points on every Rs.100 on BigBasket.

3. Milestone Rewards

With the voucher of Yatra or Pantaloons, you can get Rs.7,000 on spending Rs.5 Lakh.

With the e-voucher of Pizza Hut, you can get Rs.1,000 on spending Rs.50,000.

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Who Should Opt for This Credit Card?

  • The people who want to access the luxury joys, like, hotel stays, car rentals, airport transfer services, etc.
  • If you have the practice of pay out a lot of capital on your birthday, anniversary, etc.
  • If you are fond of golf sport and do not like to miss any golf opportunities.
  • If you are a traveller and fond of booking flight tickets and access the airport lounge.

Such people should definitely opt for this SBI Prime Credit Card.

Features And Benefits

1. Contactless Advantage

  • SBI Prime Credit Card made life easy on daily purchases, as now you will have to wave your card on the transaction machine.
  • As your card remains with you, there will be zero risks of card loss or fraud. In addition to it, if your card is waved multiple times from the same transaction machine, the unique security key feature will help you, and only one transaction will be cleared from your account.

2. Add-On Card Facility

With your add-on card facility, you have the liberty to add up to 2 members of your family. (children, siblings, spouse, parents – +18 years of age)

3. Global Acceptance

Across the nation, SBI Prime Credit Card is considered valid at over 24 million outlets, and in India, we have 3,25,000 outlets.

4. Fraud Liability Cover

  • You get Rs.1 Lakh as complimentary for Fraud Liability Cover.
  • In the case of losing the card, the card remains active for 48 hours after reporting the problem and 7 days post reporting.
  • You get access to Rs.50 Lakh for Air Accident Liability Cover, which is complimentary.

5. Emergency Card Replacement

  • If you have lost your card in India, you can dial for help on 1860 180 290 or 39 02 02 02, give a prefix local STD local.
  • If, in any case, you want to replace your SBI Prime Credit Card, you can replace it from anywhere in the world. This facility is for 24×7 even if you are travelling anywhere in the world.

6. Cash Access Around The World

You can access Visa/Mastercard/American Express ATMs worldwide to withdraw cash, and we have over 1 million places to withdraw cash.

7. Safe And Secure

You get the security with the chip and pin to use while going through the transaction against skimming and counterfeiting.

8. Easy Bill Pay Facility

Through your SBI Prime Credit Card, you can pay your telephone bill, electricity bill, utility bill, as well as a mobile bill by using the Easy Bill Pay facility.

9. Flexipay

You can convert your daily transactions on easy monthly instalments by using Flexipay. While using Flexipay, if you come across to have a transaction of Rs.2,500 or above by SBI Prime Credit Card, log on to the SBI website within 30 days of purchase to convert it to Flexipay.

10. Balance Transfer On EMI

If you want a low rate of interest and the paybacks of EMIs, transfer your outstanding balance from your other banks to your SBI Prime Credit Card account.

Fee And Charges

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Eligibility and Documents Required


  • The cardholder who is Add-on should be 15 years and above.
  • The cardholder doesn’t need to be an Indian resident.
  • The main cardholder should 18 to 70 years of age.

Document Required

  • PAN Card or Form 60
  • Driving License
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Photograph Passport Size

How to Apply for the Card?

The steps you need to follow to apply for this SBI Prime Credit Card are: –

1. By selecting “Check Eligibility,” you need to check your eligibility first.

2. You will see the column to submit some details.

3. You will be asked to add your documents.

4. Using the feature o “Track Application,” track your ID and get your application to you.


1. Is SBI Prime Credit Card a contactless card?

Yes. It has the capacity of technology that enables swipe-less transactions that make it possible with the tag of the contactless card, the SBI Prime Credit Card.

2. Is the SBI Prime Credit Card valid abroad?

Yes. This SBI Prime Credit Card is valid all across the nation, and the SBI Prime Credit Card is valid at 24 million places overseas. You will be charged a 3.5% transaction fee every time while using this card in a foreign country.

3. Can we report the loss of the SBI Card PRIME Credit Card? If yes, how?

Yes. In any case, if you lose your SBI Prime Credit Card in India, then you have an option to report it by calling on customer care number which is, 1860 180 1290 or 39 02 02 02 (prefix local STD code).
But in any case, you miss placed the SBI Prime Credit Card abroad; you can call the embassy or VISA representative of the country and report your problem. All the countries’ toll-free numbers are mentioned on the SBI website or VISA website too.

4. How many add-on credit cardholders can we avail of on a single SBI Prime Credit Card?

On SBI Prime Credit Card, you can apply for 2 add-on credit cards.

5. Can you transfer your balance on SBI Prime Credit Card?

Yes. You can transfer your outstanding balance to your other bank from SBI Prime Credit Card on the EMI facility. You can pay back your monthly instalments in flexible tenures at a low interest rate after your amount is transferred.

Final Talk

The best option for people who do not have any other premium cards is to buy or have an SBI Prime Credit Card. Also, the people who have access to other premium cards should give a thought to have SBI Prime Credit Card. It offers access to lounge access, free membership of Vistara Club, and a rewards rate between 3.5% to 4% on annual spending.

So, why not opt for this SBI Prime Credit Card rather than another!
